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Building a Better 

Life Together

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Help us welcome refugees

Here's What's Happening with Neighbors

Gala Celebration – October 17, 2024

Nearly 100 supporters gathered to celebrate the prospect of resettling our 100th family and the extraordinary contributions of our gala honoree Jmel Wilson.
Our community’s energy, enthusiasm, talent, and $100,000 of financial support equip us to resettle many new families.

Jmel Wilson, 100th Family Gala Honoree, shares her thoughts

Check out our 2023 Annual Report!

Neighbors honored by
Human Rights Committee at
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemoration

Neighbors Highlighted in
News Decoder Article

A Growing Need and Shrinking Funds

growing need and shrinking funds.JPG

Check out our Recent Videos!


Neighbors Served


Volunteers Engaged

Through its Road to Independence Fund (Y2I), Neighbors for Refugees, a Westchester nonprofit and refugee resettlement organization, has helped more than 300 Westchester refugees, SIV's, asylum seekers, and refugees in the New York TriState areas.


These families have escaped violence and persecution to live in a safer and more secure environment. Our programs have given New York Refugees, and our neighbors, the tools and networks needed to move from surviving to thriving. We are truly about building a better life together.

  • Neighbors For Refugees Facebook Page
  • Neighbors For Refugees Twitter Page

I urge you to celebrate the extraordinary courage and contributions of refugees past and present.


- Kofi Annan, UN Secretary-General







Our Families

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